domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Video commentary about the video of Judy Thompson

CLICK HERE to view the conference Judy Thompson.
        Judy Thompson leads language classes for both native and non-native speakers to foster understanding and effective communication in our diverse community.
        Judy Thompson, B.A., TESL Certification, professor, author and speaker is an expert in spoken English. A student herself of French and German, Judy knows firsthand the frustrations of learning to speak a new language. Judy lived and taught in South Korea and it was there that she had the first of many revelations about spoken English and how it should be taught.

         Daniel Gordón J.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

AU-D and Sacoto unite rhythms in "Let you go"


NAME: Daniel Gordón J.
DATE: Oct 22, 2015.
OBJECTIVE: Develop reading comprehension.
SOURCE: El Comercio


             According to this article,  the song "Let you go" was composed by artists Ecuadorian , for the artist named AU-D and the artist named Sacoto, they sang this song for the first time last Thursday, October 15 during the Concert EXA, this concert was made at the Coliseum “General Rumiñahui” with the participation of 16 artists national and international .
They decided to make this theme musical because AU-D said that "an artist should not be alone with their genre musical because should experience different genres to revolutionize the music", and Sacoto said that "he always wanted to make a theme musical with AU-D because he liked to the type of genre that sings AU-D ".
This theme musical "Let you go" is a fusion of rap, hip hop by AU-D and salsa and pop by Sacoto, also the letter of this theme musical is romantic with a little of the urban genre and this theme musical is danceable.

             In my opinion these songs represent what can be done in Ecuador, the different contributions of genres make that the music be more interesting because the artist should not be alone with their genre musical and they to look for different experiences with other genres musical, also that the collaborations between artists Ecuadorian are very different from other kinds of music because there are not many songs that unite different genres musical in one alone song.

Daniel Gordón J.

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

Cotopaxi painted


NAME: Daniel Gordón J.
DATE: Oct 12, 2015.
OBJECTIVE: Develop reading comprehension.
SOURCE: El Comercio

Photograph by Paul Grosser (1902)

        According to this article, the geologist german Wilhelm Reissand and the volcanologist german Alphons Stuebel obtained data about the volcanoes and mountains of this country. They were accompanied by painter Ecuadorian  Rafael Troy.
After twenty seven years, the scientist Paul Grosser and the geographer Hans Meyer, arrived in this country. They went across the Ecuadorian Andes as Stuebel and Reiss. Meyer was accompanied of the painter Rudolf Reschreiter, Reschreiter as Troy painted the volcano Cotopaxi .
Lucía Chiriboga, is director of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage, she visited the Institute of Geography of Leipzig in Saxony, Germany. She obtained archives photographic of Stuebel and Meyer. There are more than 1500 photographic including pictures of Cotopaxi, this pictures appeared after the eruption of 1877.

         In my opinion Stuebel and Meyer are great scientists because they attracted the volcanoes and mountains of Ecuador, this places caught their attention because there are many volcanoes, for its beauty, its location and the height of the mountains, but they painted the Cotopaxi because this volcano is shaped the cone and also because they researched for these mountains.

Daniel Gordón J.