domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

Cotopaxi painted


NAME: Daniel Gordón J.
DATE: Oct 12, 2015.
OBJECTIVE: Develop reading comprehension.
SOURCE: El Comercio

Photograph by Paul Grosser (1902)

        According to this article, the geologist german Wilhelm Reissand and the volcanologist german Alphons Stuebel obtained data about the volcanoes and mountains of this country. They were accompanied by painter Ecuadorian  Rafael Troy.
After twenty seven years, the scientist Paul Grosser and the geographer Hans Meyer, arrived in this country. They went across the Ecuadorian Andes as Stuebel and Reiss. Meyer was accompanied of the painter Rudolf Reschreiter, Reschreiter as Troy painted the volcano Cotopaxi .
Lucía Chiriboga, is director of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage, she visited the Institute of Geography of Leipzig in Saxony, Germany. She obtained archives photographic of Stuebel and Meyer. There are more than 1500 photographic including pictures of Cotopaxi, this pictures appeared after the eruption of 1877.

         In my opinion Stuebel and Meyer are great scientists because they attracted the volcanoes and mountains of Ecuador, this places caught their attention because there are many volcanoes, for its beauty, its location and the height of the mountains, but they painted the Cotopaxi because this volcano is shaped the cone and also because they researched for these mountains.

Daniel Gordón J.

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