miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Sweden undiscovered


NAME: Daniel Gordón J.
DATE: Sep 01, 2015.
OBJECTIVE: Develop reading comprehension.
SOURCE: National Geographic

       According to this article, the Sami village communities (known as Lapps) find yourself in Lapland, this place was declared a World Heritage Site in 1996. Some of the most remote parts of the continent are in Sarek National Park where it crosses the river named Rapa. Juan Utsi is a writer Sami who return to Lapland after his family was expelled from the coastal mountains of Skibotn by the government of Norway, Utsi said " We the Sami live a double existence, We speak Swedish, look Swedish, and most of us live in Swedish towns. But we act as a Sami, because that’s who we are. Chalk it up to genetics" for the complex relationship between the Sami and the Swedes.

         In my opinion, Sarek National Park is one of the places most people do not know its location. The Sami who live here are doing a good job because they care for nature, in this place there is very beautiful landscapes that everyone would like to see, but there is also communities that make this place one of the most wonderful.

Daniel Gordón J.

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