lunes, 4 de enero de 2016

Youth, divine treasure

                                                 PASSES THE TIME STUBBORN
        I don't know what I prefer but I like the night because I can concentrate on other things that in the morning I can't, at this time I can calmly read many books, is when many ideas come to my head; then I feel many feelings and emotions that usually I don't know how to describe.
         I remember one night when my family was watching television, a car crashed into a house on the street where I lived, then came the ambulances and police to see what happened; the driver were taken to hospital and he was the only one hurt in this accident.
        More than two years ago, when I was on vacation I register in a course of fight free; this course wasn't far from my house and it was at night, I know many people here that I was taught to nurture and take care of my body. I remember that in a practice fight with a friend and I win by making a key, later the teacher put me nicknamed as "Destroyer".
        One night I went out to play in the park from my neighborhood when I was playing I was fired and I fell to the ground; when I fell I came out blood and many falls have scars on my legs.
       I remember one night there was a party at my neighborhood and in this event I got to know different people that I never thought who lived near me. I like the night because me helps think and I can amuse myself with many people and on many nights I think about the short that is the life and that is passenger; at this time I remember the poem of Ruben Dario that be called "Song of Autumn in Spring".
Daniel Gordón J.

domingo, 3 de enero de 2016

Film: "Invictus"


        It is very difficult to lead a team and a country more, the people who have that spirit of leadership are the people who we remember as this is the case of Mandela and his friend François that he was a player of rugby .
       Nelson Mandela was very smart to run a country through the sport and teach a player that the all country is with him, Mandela united the all a country that was divided by war and the exclusion of black man.
       I found it very important the personality of Mandela and Francois because they were the ones who caused the joining together of your country, also that the black men accept the white men and the white men accept the black men; this type of leadership is the what teach everyone that we can lift depression and join together the people with the help of all.

Daniel Gordón J.

Quito's Legends

Father's Almeida Legend

       The representation of the Father's Almeida legend was very different from the others because they made puppet and not a dramatisation as the others, this legend was funny because all participated in a part of the representation.
      In this dramatisation there were three students using puppets, one that held the stage and one that told the legend for that the representation have more sense.
      This legend is about the religion christian because what happened to Father Almeida in one night while returning to the convent, he did change in character with the crucified Jesus that every night step on to escape.
       This legend while not very believe, many people believe that this really happened in one of the churches of Quito which is well known.

Daniel Gordón J.