lunes, 4 de enero de 2016

Youth, divine treasure

                                                 PASSES THE TIME STUBBORN
        I don't know what I prefer but I like the night because I can concentrate on other things that in the morning I can't, at this time I can calmly read many books, is when many ideas come to my head; then I feel many feelings and emotions that usually I don't know how to describe.
         I remember one night when my family was watching television, a car crashed into a house on the street where I lived, then came the ambulances and police to see what happened; the driver were taken to hospital and he was the only one hurt in this accident.
        More than two years ago, when I was on vacation I register in a course of fight free; this course wasn't far from my house and it was at night, I know many people here that I was taught to nurture and take care of my body. I remember that in a practice fight with a friend and I win by making a key, later the teacher put me nicknamed as "Destroyer".
        One night I went out to play in the park from my neighborhood when I was playing I was fired and I fell to the ground; when I fell I came out blood and many falls have scars on my legs.
       I remember one night there was a party at my neighborhood and in this event I got to know different people that I never thought who lived near me. I like the night because me helps think and I can amuse myself with many people and on many nights I think about the short that is the life and that is passenger; at this time I remember the poem of Ruben Dario that be called "Song of Autumn in Spring".
Daniel Gordón J.

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